Storytelling Training

We all tell stories – about ourselves and our journey, our work, the ideas that inspire us or our future plans. However, choosing the right story, crafting it masterfully and communicating it in a way that interests, moves and persuades requires skill. 

At Story Mentor we train teams and individuals to use storytelling strategically to achieve their goals – from presenting themselves in the job market and supporting sales to improving public speaking and getting their message across.

Storytelling for Change

Stories help us share our ideas, communicate our values and secure partners, supporters and funding. Through stories we introduce ourselves, convey our purpose and present our work and its impact. To succeed, we need to find the right ideas and weave them into effective stories that inspire, call to action and spur change.

At Storymentor we work closely with organizations, businesses and individuals to craft their changemaking stories. Together, we create authentic and compelling narratives that touch hearts and minds.  

Business storytelling

Data, charts and elaborate power points are not enough to convey your message. Your clients, boards, partners, media and investors need something more: the uniqueness that will allow them to listen to you, trust you and select you wholeheartedly, leaving second-thoughts behind.

At Story Mentor, we work with you strategically to select the stories that will highlight the present and future of your organization or business, authentically and effectively.

Leadership storytelling

Contemporary leadership is not about rules and instructions. It is based on understanding, empathy and leading by example, paved with stories that embrace change and transform people, teams and organizations.

At Story Mentor, we help you create stories that inspire, persuade and lead. Empowering stories that illuminate ideas, awaken emotion, bring out character and encourage participation.

Stories to empower

Our world is made up of stories. They define how we think about our journey, how we feel about ourselves, where we stand today.

Our stories have power. The stories that we choose to share define our place in the world, whereas the “hidden” stories that we avoid saying out loud secretly shape our life path. Some stories support our ideal positioning, showcase our skills and  talents, highlight our courage and reflect our resilience, while others pin us down, blocking our way to the life we dream.

At Story Mentor we help you identify the stories you share with others and those you keep to yourself. We show you how to sort them, amplifying the ones that support you and rewriting those that do no longer serve you.